Cutting-edge Technology for Battery Material Research


The best ever battery tester, it came into the market with extremely high accuracy(0.02% of FS), Amazingly quick hardware response time(100μs), high-speed data acquisition frequency(1000Hz) and many other industry-proven characteristics, it can tell the subtle difference of all kinds of battery materials, it helps you to find the future battery material and solution. It is mainly designed for: Battery research institutes, universities and laboratories of battery companies.

Range 1 0.1μA ~ 150μA ±30nA
Range 2 150μA ~ 5mA ±1μA
Range 3 5mA ~ 150mA ±30μA
Range 4 150mA ~ 5A ±1mA
Accuracy 0.02%FS
Response time <=100μs
Min.Pulse Width 400μs
Data Acquisition Frequency 1000Hz