i-Series (Standard Range)

Enhanced system performance extends test capabilitiesVibration tests have become diversified and specifications have become increasingly strict.
i-series offer a user-friendly lineup with enhanced performance and durability.


■Expanded test range: maximum values that the i-series can offer
・Maximum acceleration: 1250m/s2 ・Maximum velocity: 3.5m/s ・Maximum displacement: 51mmp-p
・Maximum loading mass: 200kg
■Patented upper (armature) support system PS Guide
Parallel Slope Guide is standard
■Low noise
Optimised design of the air intake based on fluid dynamics has reduced the air-intake noise.
■One of the world’s largest class air-cooled systems
Optimised magnetic circuits based on finite element analysis, and unique cooling technologies have enabled an excitation force of 65kN with air cooling.
■All models can be directly coupled to a climatic chamber.

Table Insert Pattern (Unit:mm)

Table Insert Pattern



System Model i210/SA1M i220/SA1M i220/EM1M
Frequency Range(Hz) 0-4000 0-3300 0-3300
Sine(kN) 3 8 8
Random (kN rms)*1 3 8 8
Shock(kN) 9 16 16
High Velocity Shock (kN)*5 10
Sine(m/s2) 1000 1250 1250
Random (m/s2 rms) 700 875 875
Shock (m/s2peak) 2000 2000 2000
High Velocity Shock (m/s2peak)*5 1562
Sine(m/s) 2.2 2.2 2.2
Shock (m/s peak) 2.2 2.2 2.2
High Velocity Shock (m/s peak)*5 3.5
Sine(mmp-p) 30 51 51
High Velocity Shock (mmp-p)*5 51
Maximum Travel(mmp-p) 40 60 60
Maximum Load(kg) 120 200 200
Power Requirements (kVA)*2 6.8 16.4 16.4
Breaker Capacity (A)*3 30 60 60
Model i210 i220 i220
Armature Mass(kg) 3 6.4 6.4
Armature Diameter (φmm) 128 190 190
Allowable Eccentric Moment(N・m) 160 294 294
Dimensions(mm) WxHxD 868 × 700 × 458 1020 × 903 × 550 1020 × 903 × 550
Shaker Body Diameter(mm) 458 550 550
Mass(kg) 350 900 900
Model SA1M-i10 EM1M-i20 EM1M-i20
Maximum Output(kVA) 5 10 10
Dimensions(mm) W×H×D 580 × 1750 × 850 580 × 1750 × 850 580 × 1750 × 850
Mass(kg) 240 280 330
Controller Vibration Controller See Vibration Controller K2
Cooling Cooling Method Air cooling
Blower Dimensions (mm)WxHxD*4 386 × 882 × 369 492 × 1128 × 625 492 × 1128 × 625
Mass(kg) 22 70 70
Wattage(kw) 0.4 1.5 1.5
Duct Hose Diameter(φ) 125 125 125
  • 1 Random force ratings are specified in accordance with ISO5344 conditions. Please contact IMV or your local distributor with specific test requirements.
  • 2 Power supply: 3-phase 200/220/380/400/415 V, 50/60 Hz. A transformer is required for other supply voltages.
  • 3 Breaker capacity for 200 V
  • 4 Spec described above is in case of 60 Hz. Dimension is changed in case of 50 Hz.
  • 5 In case of high velocity option
  •  The specification shows the maximum system performance. For long-duration tests, de-rating by up to 70 % must be applied. Continuous use at maximum levels may cause failure. Please contact IMV if you use more than 70 %.
  •  In the case of Random vibration test, please set the test definition of the peak value of acceleration waveform to be operated less than the maximum acceleration of Shock.
  •  Frequency range values vary according to sensor and vibration controller.
  •  Armature mass and acceleration may change when chamber is combined.
  •  Mass and dimensions may change for CE-marked systems.