SW-72R Seismic Monitoring System

SW-72R is a high-end model added with SI (Spectrum Intensity) function which is well correlated with damages of structures on the functions of popular priced model SW-72. It keeps compact size as of SW-72’s even employing the Servo type Accelerometers as sensing elements.


Reliable Accuracy

Reliable Accuracy

If the Control Output of the equipment for secondary disaster prevention lacked its reliability, some problems as No or Erroneous safety operations might be caused. The Servo type Accelerometers build in these IMV Earthquake Monitoring systems are of precision high accuracy to achieve Display and Alarm Setting by as fine as 1 G Step.

Preparation for Large-scale Earthquakes

Preparation for Large-scale Earthquakes

The Peak of Motion in any direction can be surely captured by Vector Composition of the Accelerations detected by the Accelerometers allied in three directions. The Measurable Acceleration Range up to 3000 Gal fulfills requirements to prepare the Large-scale Earthquakes.

Waterproof free from installation place concern

Motions of Earthquake vary from ground to structure, building to building. It is ideal to install the detector of the Earthquake Monitoring system on the very basement of the important facility which is aimed to be protected from the Earthquake. The detectors of these systems employ the IP67 equivalent waterproof structure to allow to be installed outdoor or dusty environments.

Free from long-time installation works

Free from long-time installation works

4 anchor bolts are needed to be fixed for the conventional detectors. While, for these newly developed detectors, bolt adjustment is easy because of the fixing spots reduced to 2 and the cut-out holes located there. Voltage for Power Source is 24Volts which is usually available in the instrumentation racks.

Compact Design

Compact Design

The Detectors are smaller the better if they are needed to be checked on occurrence of the earthquake.
SW-72・72R detectors not only small in size but also they have low cable lead out positions and edge less structures for easy installation.


Common for SW-72・72R

Installation in a Control cabinet

Installation in a Control cabinet

Compact design allows to be installed on Concrete floor in a Control cabinet.

Safety Stop ・ Shutdown of Machineries

Safety Stop・Shutdown of Machineries

Waterproof structure allows monitoring in right vicinity of Machineries.

Low cost Multi-point Monitoring

Low cost Multi-point Monitoring

Detector build-in type provides Low cost 2 out of 3 Systems or Multi-point Monitoring. (Combination with SW-74S is possible flexibly.

System Composition

System CompsitionOutward Drawing

Outward Drawing


Detecting Method Omni-directional non-directivity detection by vector product acceleration
Frequency Range 0.3-10Hz (±10%)
Acceleration Range 0 – 5000 Gal (3-component vector product)
NS, EW direction : ±3000Gal, UD direction : +2000 – 4000Gal
Low Pass Filter 30Hz(-3dB), 4th butterworth
SI Value Measuring Range Measuring range : 0-1500 Kine (3-component vector value)
Period range : 0.1-2.5 sec (±10%) (Natural period 0.1 sec step,
Calculation by 25 of 1-freedom simulation filter)
Damping : 1% step any setting
A/D Converter 16bit, 100Hz sampling
Indication 7-segment LED, 4-digit display (xxx.x or xxxx)
Alarm Step Upper limit 3-step (ALM1 – 3) individual setting
(Acceleration/Instrumental seismic intensity/SI value : Internal setting is possible)
Alarm Setting Value 0.1 – 999.9Gal (Gal/instrumental seismic intensity/Kine)
0.1 step, 0.0 is alarm operation OFF
(Seismic intensity alarm scale is set by Instrumental seismic intensity)
Alarm Contact 1a contact (Photo MOS relay, COM common)
Contact rating 200V-0.65A (common for AC/DC, peak value)
Relay : made by panasonic, PD1a type (AQY277A)
Alarm Reset Method a. External reset terminal (all step reset by no-voltage a contact)
b. Automotac reset by built-in timer
1-9999sec., Setting interval: 1-sec., 0 is automatic reset OFF
DC Output 4-20mADC, Load resistance ≦300Ω
Output content switching type
(Acceleration/SI value/Seismic intensity scale by internal setting)
Full scale value any setting
Serial I/F Communication with SW-74SI (Conforms to RS422)
Clock Accuracy:≦70ppm (6sec/day)
Time Connection Input ±30 sec correction (external input of no-voltage a contact)
Ambient Temperature 0-+50℃
Humidity Range 10-100%RH
Power Supply 24VDC ±10% *2 ≦15W
Outer Dimensions See outside view
Structure Water-proof structure (IP67)
Material Aluminum die casting
Painted Color Silver metric
Weight 4Kg
Mounting Method Installation on the ground (fixed with anchor)
I/O Cable Water-proof connector connected
One-touch lock connector made by NANABOSHI ELECTRIC MFG
NRW-2421PF11 (Outer diameter : 34.1mm approx.)
Cable made by Fuji Electric Wire Industries
Twisted cable (with sheilded)
FKEV-SB 0.3sq × 10 pair
Outer diameter : 10.5 mm approx.
Built-in accelerometer
Pickup model VP-5511B/3
Conversion Method Force balance servo type accelerometer
Detection Method Horizontal 2-direction, Vertical 1-direction
Sensitivity 0.204V (m/s2) ±5%
Frequency Range 0-100Hz ±10%
0-30Hz ±3%
Natural Frequency ≧300Hz
Max. Measuring Acceleration NS, EW direction : ±29.4m/s2
UD direction : -39.2-+19.6m/s2
Linearity 0.3% full scale

※1 Initial setting value at factory shipping is 80,250,400 Gal
※2 When connected with SW-74 (74SI), power is supplied from SW-74 (74SI)