Temperature & Humidity Chamber For Charge-Discharge Testing

Simple and ideal performance and design for charge-discharge testing

The charge-discharge test is essential for reliability testing of secondary batteries. It includes repeated charging and discharging at high capacity current and performs long exposure testing under a fixed temperature environment. This Temperature & Humidity Chamber for Charge-Discharge Testing provides easy access to the specimen and comes with accident safety functions. With its temperature uniformity in the test area and high accuracy control during long continuous operation, this chamber is the ideal tester for charge-discharge testing.

Uniform temperature distribution
The wind volume of the air flow jetting out vertically from the top is increased to allow air to circulate to each corner of the chamber to ensure temperature uniformity.
Frost-free continuous operation
The chamber comes with a frost-free function to enable long continuous operation without having to stop operation for defrosting when the temperature setting is +15°C or higher.
Two-system power supply circuit
The power supply circuits are separate for the chamber drive (machinery) and control (temperature indicator-controller), so if operation of the machinery should stop when a malfunction occurs, temperature monitoring of the chamber can continue.
Main specifications
Temperature range -40 to +100°C
Humidity range 20 to 98%rh
Temperature heat-up time Within 35 minutes from +20°C to +100°C
Temperature pull-down time Within 60 minutes from +20°C to -40°C